

If you’re going to work with me, you probably want to know a bit more about me.

My name is Jane Fazackarley and I am a full-time freelance writer. (In case you’re wondering about the surname, it either has Lancashire or Liverpudlian origins).

I specialize in creating content for the e-commerce, retail, marketing and payment processing sectors.

I can count many high–profile companies among my clients, including Intuit QuickBooks, GoDaddy and you can see my work on multiple sites, including IPSE.com, RetailNext, and WebRetailer.com

I’m passionate about many things, but writing is right at the top of the list, and it’s nearly always been a part of my life.

Back in 2013, I decided it was time to turn my passion into my main income, and I’ve been working as a fulltime freelance writer ever since.

Although I’ve written for many niches in the past, my heart truly lies with the SME and eCommerce sector due to my experience owning a small business

However, that’s not to say I’m not equally as comfortable writing for larger, corporate clients.