Working Together

Working together

I like to think I’m easy to work with and I produce my best work and deliver the best results when the terms for each project are clear from the start. So, with that in mind, here are my terms and conditions along with a bit about how I work.


I am contactable during normal working hours in the week. I prefer email as this gives me a written record of everything that has been said. However, you can also contact me via mobile phone.

I check my emails regularly during working days, so I can guarantee a prompt response should you have any queries/updates.


To ensure I have a clear picture of what you want, I sometimes use a discovery questionnaire. If you have a specific brief, please send this along.

Completion of Work

I aim to have the first draft with my clients within 3-4 days. If you need a faster turnaround, please let me know. However, I don’t do ‘rush’ jobs as I don’t produce my best work this way, and I like to leave at least 24 hours, so I can look at my work with fresh eyes.


Once you’ve received my first draft and reviewed it, I am happy to discuss revisions. However, with a clear brief, the need for these should be kept for a minimum.

Revisions will be with you within 24-48 hours.

I will complete a maximum of three revisions, However, if you have changed the project scope or brief, this will not count as a revision, but a new project and would be subject to my usual terms/rates.

Revision requests must be made within 45 days.


I require a deposit of 50 per cent before starting work, with the final payment due within 30 days of completion of the work.

I accept credit and debit card via PayPal.

Working with me

Still feel you’ll be happy working with me? Good! You’ll find my contact details here.

Have further questions? Just want to get to know me a bit better before we work together? I understand! Just contact me and I’ll answer any concerns or queries you might have.